Tips to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home
9/2/2021 (Permalink)
3 Ways to Avoid Water Damage in Your Home
As a homeowner, preventing damage to your Tacoma, WA property is probably a priority for you. Stopping mishaps before they happen helps you avoid thousands of dollars in repairs and lost belongings, and this can be especially true in the case of water damage. Water in the home can be devastating to furniture, electrical systems, and your home's structure, but fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to prevent this type of problem from happening.
1. Inspect Appliance Connections and Hoses Often
Your washer and dishwasher can cause considerable flooding if worn hoses or water lines break. Leaks are usually a sign that a hose or valve is failing, so it is important to address any leak right away. Preventative maintenance can keep your water appliances running at top efficiency, stop leaks or sudden floods in your kitchen or basement and may even save you money on your energy bill.
2. Watch for Warning Signs in Your Plumbing
Drips, leaks, and discolored joints may point to a faulty or broken pipe in your bathroom or kitchen. Because malfunctioning pipes can burst without warning, this is not an issue to be ignored. Have a plumber replace worn valves, pipes, and joints or perform pipe cleanup maintenance on sections that have become narrow inside due to calcium or lime buildup, as narrow pathways can cause water pressure to build and burst your pipes.
3. Check Basements and Crawlspaces
Clogged gutters and poor drainage can cause water to seep into your basement. If you fail to spot it, it can cause mold growth and damage stored items. A professional mold remediation and restoration company can remove water in your home and inspect your basement and crawlspace for signs of excess moisture and mold.
Water damage in your Tacoma, WA home can be costly and take months to repair. However, preventative maintenance might help you avoid the kind of trouble water in a home can cause and give you peace of mind that you are protecting one of your greatest investments.